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Shanna mixed with a filthy rumor about Amélie Neten and her son: "stop telling shit"

Furious Shanna: a virus with her name on Facebook
Furious Shanna: a virus with her name on Facebook
If we tell you Shanna, virus, battered child, Amélie Neten, Facebook and rant, you answer us? Kamoulox? Not far away ... This nice WTF mix is ​​however the content of the rant message shared by the sexiest candidate of the Angels, Shanna. Furious, the Marseillaise discovered that clever little ones were impersonating her to spread viruses. Dirty story.
Shanna's Twitter and Instagram accounts aren't just for sharing sexy photos of her perfect body . No, the Marseillaise also takes advantage of her big million followers to broadcast a few pictures of her adorable dog, Guizmo , or her perfect life with her "husband" Thibault . This morning, however, surprise. On Twitter, the Marseillaise published the capture of an email warning her that she was, without knowing it, mixed up with a very dirty story on Facebook.

Shanna furious at fake accounts in her name

It was a fan of Anaïs Sanson's enemy who wanted to warn her. According to her, internet users would see in their news feed a message allegedly posted by Shanna, in which she claimed to have filmed Amélie Neten beating her son Hugo .
A total fake, which would actually spread a virus if you click on it. What logically make Shanna furious: " Stop telling shit with fake accounts that bear our names !!! thank you to this person for warning! ".
