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Shanna Kress in a relationship after her break up with Thibault Kuro? She makes things clear

Shanna Kress would she be in a relationship after her breakup with Thibault Kuro? Only a few days after the announced announcement of the end of their relationship, on February 1, 2017, the potential guest of the Angels 9 responds to the rumors.
Fans still find it hard to believe: after 4 years of relationship, Shanna Kress and Thibault Kuro broke up! Wednesday, February 1, 2017, the couple announced their breakup on Instagram : "Love has unfortunately gone away over time ... Sometimes we think that love is still present and we force ourselves to believe it, but today we do not get there any more 2. We are today in very good term, rest assured, and we will continue to work together in the professional projects that we have in common " , one could read.

Already in a relationship?

Has she already found love? This is the question that many fans have asked themselves after seeing Shanna with a man this weekend, in a nightclub. Faced with this rumor, the one who could soon be in The Angels 9 wanted to clarify things.

She makes things clear

She replies on Snacphat: "I'm putting things back together! The boy I snapped with has been a friend for ten years. I know you see me often with boys, but I have a lot of boy friends ", she says. To those who are wondering about her relationship with Thibault Kuro, she explains: "We are separate but we are still living together for the moment".
