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Shanna Kress reacts to Jessica Thivenin and Thibault Kuro's move to Dubai with her dogs

Shanna Kress reacts to Jessica Thivenin and Thibault Kuro's move to Dubai
A few days ago, Jessica Thivenin and Thibault Kuro announced their imminent move to Dubai with their dogs Guizmo and June, but what does Shanna Kress think of this new life? The candidate of the Angels 10 gave her opinion on this subject on Snapchat.

Jessica Thivenin and Thibault Kuro settle in Dubai

Bye bye France! Jessica Thivenin and Thibault Kuro are preparing to leave for Marseille to settle in Dubai for a few months or a few years, as they revealed in a YouTube video: " Basically, my darling absolutely wanted to make me visit this city he had fallen in on. The problem is that when I came, I said 'I want to stay there' (...) We are going to come and settle here. "
The two candidates from Marseillais Australia have already found their home with a " beautiful " garden for their dogs Guizmo and June: " it was accepted ", proudly announced the ex of Shanna Kress on Snapchat. So good news!

Shanna Kress reacts to this news on Snapchat

This change of life has caused a lot of reaction from Internet users, but they have especially wondered why Shanna Kress had not taken June and Guizmo to Miami while Thibault Kuro, he, leaves with them in Dubai.
The candidate of the Angels 10 , who would be in a relationship with Adrien Laurent , explained herself on the social network to the white ghost: " I did not want to be selfish and to tell me that they were going to take the plane Even if today they are going to go to Dubai, they are used to being with Thibault. By the time I left, we had a house with a large garden and I did not yet know where I was going to live. separating, it was not possible either. That is why I left the dogs to Thibault. "Everything can be explained!
