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Shanna Kress changes her head: discover her new haircut ... and Thibault's reaction

Shanna Kress has changed heads. Yesterday on Youtube, the former reality TV star unveiled his new haircut. To offer a different look, Thibault's girlfriend decided to dare the bangs. Discover the result ... and the reaction of his darling.

"I have a little pressure"

The change is now for Shanna Kress . Tired of having " always had the same head ", the ex-star of the Angels decided to change his hair look. A great moment " that the beautiful brunette, turned Youtuber , decided to share with her 310,000 subscribers the Google video platform. What new look for Shanna? I'm going to go get a bang. I'm afraid, it's the first time in my life that I'm going to make a real bang. " Not used to haircut changes, she did not hide her stress: "I have a little pressure because I never go to the hairdresser (...) My hair is precious. So I really never go to the hairdresser apart to do Brazilian straightening. "

"We will see what my darling says about it"

Shanna therefore dared the bangs. A new look that she likes, she who is usually " never happy ": " I like it. I validate (...) We will see what my darling says. In any case I like well ". But approaching to show the result to her boyfriend Thibault - with whom she will soon launch a new web series , here she is again stressed: " I hope it will please her otherwise he will have to change wife (...) I cross my fingers to like it. Otherwise I'm in complete shit. Imagine he doesn't like it! Normally he loves me for everything. The best moments as the worst. So that will be one of the worst if he doesn't like.
Fortunately for Shanna, Thibault validates her bangs: " It's good like that, it suits you. I like it! It changes mad (...) If it was rotten, I would have told you (. ..) It kills. I like it . " This is called a successful head change.
