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Shanna Kress victim of "sexual abuse": "How could I have been so naive ?!"

Shanna Kress victim of "sexual abuse": "How could I have been so naive ?!"

 Kress never hid from having a difficult past, but she rarely spoke on the subject. It is in her book Do not be afraid, available on order on Amazon, that the candidate of La Villa des Coeurs Brisés 5 confides with open heart and reveals that she has been the victim of "sexual abuse". Discover his chilling tale.
After Aurélie Dotremont, who trusts his abortion , suicide attempt or the day she learned of the murder of his sister, and Adixia, who reveals he was the victim of bullying , it is the turn of Shanna Kress reveal the heavy secrets of his past in his book N''ai pas fear , available since February 4, 2020. Heavy secrets which his subscribers did not expect. In particular, she talks about the absence of her father, her mother's alcoholism and her violent stepfather who " ruined our childhood" .

"He pushes me on the bed, lies down on me ..."

Shanna Kress also confesses to having been victim of " sexual abuse " by a man called Youti, a vigilante at the strip club where she worked: " He often comes to see me to try to invite me to lunch. I refuse for several days, but finished all the same by accepting (...) So we are both going to have lunch, in a nice restaurant in the neighborhood. He tells me "you are beautiful, simple, funny and kind. My mother will love you". Your mother "Really? The following days, several times, he offered to join him in his hotel room. "
If at the start the candidate of La Villa des Coeurs Brisés 5 regularly declines this proposal, she finally yields to Youti's insistence. This is where it all turned upside down: " I then go to his hotel, which is no more glamorous than the strip club building. I am dressed in a tracksuit and sneakers, to make him understand that 'nothing will happen (...) We discuss a little, but the situation quickly takes an unpleasant turn (...) Youti gets carried away, bends over me, puts his hand on my thigh: he clearly wants to sleep with me. "
Shanna Kress continues: " I refuse, I reject him, begs him to stop. But it gets worse and worse. It was so predictable! How could I have been so naive ?! I hate myself. I hate being here, I hate my life. He pushes me on the bed, lies on top of me. I kick him, but nothing helps. Youti is very fit. He tells me 'let yourself go'. " A chilling tale!

"No one listened to me"

Then she tried to denounce him, but apparently nobody came to her aid: " I hope all the lessons I tried to bring out in my book will be effective: the first lesson is that when I tried to denounce the sexual abuse of which I was the victim, I was not listened to. Like these actresses during the #balancetonporc movement that we called liars. If you have something to say, that you find it abnormal, say 'HIGH AND STRONG' The second lesson is that despite everything you go through in life, it is always possible to fall back on your feet and realize your dreams. NEVER give up! 
