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Paris Hilton: paid $ 1 million for a birthday

Paris Hilton and her sister Nicky Hilton were paid $ 1 million to attend the birthday of a young woman in Cannes. When you are a star all the seams are exploitable and it is not uncommon for celebrities to attend parties by being paid. That
Paris Hilton and her sister Nicky Hilton were paid $ 1 million to attend the birthday of a young woman in Cannes. When you are a star all the seams are exploitable and it is not uncommon for celebrities to attend parties by being paid. This would have been the case for Paris and Nicky Hilton who would have received almost a million dollars to attend a birthday. Purefans News by Adobuzz tells you everything.

We knew the stars who were paid thousands of dollars to sing in a private party but there were also those who were paid just to make an appearance. According to the British site This Is London, the two Hilton sisters are said to have pocketed the nice sum of a million dollars to attend a birthday party.

Passing through the south of France for their holidays, the two heiresses would have participated in Cannes in the 16 years of a princess from the Middle East. And to bring the two socialites, the girl's parents did not scrimp on resources: 1 million dollars or nearly 702,000 euros for an hour of presence. This comes to around 11,700 euros per minute, or each 5,850 euros per minute.

In any case, the Hilton sisters gave themselves to heart in the Mediterranean basin: they were seen in Saint Tropez, Cannes and Ibiza
