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La France a un incroyable talent : une danse contre les violences conjugales a ému la toile

France has an incredible talent: a dance against domestic violence has moved the canvas.
France has an incredible talent: a dance against domestic violence has moved the canvas.
This service has not yet been broadcast on television in La France has an incredible talent but, already, it culminates more than 85 million views on Twitter. A man and a woman performed a choreography against domestic violence which both moved the jury to tears and upset internet users.

A dance against violence

In the 13th season of France has an incredible , you can discover next Tuesday, October 30 on M6 a poignant choreography against domestic violence . While a new television campaign was launched last week to recall the existence of the 3919 line, dedicated to women victims of violence, this service tells the story of a couple between love and blows. Nadia (21) and Dakota (27) perform this contemporary dance, which culminates in more than 85 million views on the channel's official Twitter account.
With the title "Figures" by Canadian singer Jessie Reyez in the background, the two dancers show through their movements the violence that some women experience on a daily basis but also the difficulty of leaving. Makeup with redness and bruises on the face and body, Nadia tries to break free from the grip of her executioner while clinging to him. An eloquent and heartbreaking contemporary for such a strong and dramatic subject.

The jury moved to tears

Bouches-bées, Hélène Ségara , Marianne James , Eric Antoine and Sugar Sammy expressed their emotion at the end of the issue. "We are very lucky to have you," said Eric Antoine, very touched. Marianne James added, while wiping away a tear: "It's wonderful what we just saw, really" .
"I find it important that it is also a man who transmits this message" for his part explained Hélène Ségara, who clarified: "All men are not cruel it is good that you show men that he doesn’t there is nothing stronger than softness . A magnificent and disturbing dance that should still speak when broadcast on the small screen.
