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Jessica Thivenin victime de violences conjugales : "Je connais la violence depuis que j'ai 16 ans"

Jessica Thivenin victim of domestic violence: she confides in an interview with PRBK
It's Jessica Thivenin's big day! This Wednesday, February 20, 2019, the Marseillais Asian Tour candidate is releasing her autobiographical book "C'est tout moi" in which she reveals for the first time having been the victim of domestic violence. The sweetheart of Thibault Kuro also confided in this subject in an interview with PRBK.
If on TV, we always see Jessica Thivenin hyper smiling and always in a good mood, it is another facet of her personality that she decided to show in her book "C'est tout moi" . The flagship candidate of the Marseillais talks about her childhood in a caravan, her life with Thibault Kuro, cosmetic surgery, her depression because of the notoriety, her move to Dubai, the haters, but also the domestic violence of which she was the victim. I received blows, I had wounds, bruises, " she explains in the pages of her book.
Don't be afraid to leave
If Jessica Thivenin decided to write this book it is to allow her community to know more about her life and to allow the haters not to criticize it in the wind: " they do not know where I come from and what I experienced. It’s not for them to change their minds, but at least, if they want to judge, they can do it with a support ", confides the darling of Thibault Kuro in an interview with PRBK before returning to the violence she suffered in the past because of her ex.
What prompted her to talk about it now? A few years ago, I thought it was impossible to find someone who was not violent and unfaithful. I told myself that it was always going to be like that. Finally, I am married to Thibault today (. ..) Even if relationships are difficult, you should not be afraid to leave. I am the first to understand these women who stay and who are afraid (...) In general, it is often your fault, you question it and you're sure the argument started because of you, "says Jessica.
It is enough that there is an argument or a little too loud cries ...
Even if today, the candidate of the Marseillais Asian Tour has managed to get out of this hell, she still has reflexes as she admits to PRBK: " It is enough that there is a dispute or shouts a little too loud. I remember, once I quarreled with Thibault, he was screaming loudly, without insulting me or being violent, but when he got angry and he was not far from me, I automatically did like that (put his hand in front of the face, editor's note). He said to me 'but I will never hit you, I will never raise your hand on it. '
Jessica Thivenin's interview can be found in full in our slideshow.
Interview by Lola Maroni. Exclusive content. Do not reproduce without quoting PureBreak.com.
