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Jessica Thivenin & Carla enceintes : le tournage des Marseillais VS le reste du monde compromis ?

Jessica Thivenin & amp;  Carla pregnant: the shooting of Marseillais VS the rest of the world compromised?
Jessica Thivenin & Carla pregnant: the shooting of Marseillais VS the rest of the world compromised?
Both pregnant, Jessica Thivenin and Carla Moreau will they still participate in the shooting of Marseillais VS the rest of the world? Will their pregnancies compromise the reality TV program? Florence Fayard, the producer, and evin Guedj's darling responded.
The Marseillais family is growing! Last weekend, Jessica Thivenin announced that she was pregnant with Thibault Kuro . Shortly after, it's Carla Moreau's turn to unveil her baby bump , confirming all the rumors of pregnancy! Two good news for fans of reality TV! But what about the show? Is the shooting of the Marseillais VS the rest of the world compromised? Florence Fayard, the producer of the program, wanted to reassure viewers in an interview given to 20 minutes : " Honestly, for us, this is not at all a problem. I am delighted that they are happy, fulfilled. live it as a moment of joy and nothing else. "

Adapted tests?

She promises to adapt the program and especially certain tests: "Contractually, in real life, when you are pregnant, you can work. In reality TV, it's the same. Obviously they cannot do physical tests, the schedule will be adapted ... We will never make them take the slightest risk, as with other candidates for that matter. We will adapt the concept and the tests a bit. If they are in good shape and they have the medical authorizations for come with us, they will come. The only obstacle is a medical contravis, then we are very medically supervised on the set. "

"We don't mind sharing my pregnancy with people on TV"

It remains to be seen whether the two future mothers will agree to participate. If Jessica has not yet expressed herself on the subject, Carla replied in 20 minutes: "I will be five months pregnant during the shooting, but I think they will do as they did with Manon. We don't mind to share my pregnancy with people on television, like we did on social media. We have always shared our life through screens. This is the continuation of our story. "
We will therefore follow the stages of her pregnancy and perhaps even the baby's first steps, as with Manon Marsault and Julien Tanti : "If it is me who shows it for the first time, that there is no stolen photos, after all I’m fine. I think we’ll do something like Manon and Julien do with Tiago, that he will appear from time to time, because we also want to preserve him. We share our daily lives, and this baby will do soon gone. " assured Keivn Guedj's darling. Tiago Tanti should make new friends on the set!
