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Jessica enceinte et alitée : sa réponse à ceux qui l'accusent de mettre en danger le bébé

Jessica pregnant and bedridden: her response to those who accuse her of endangering the baby
Jessica pregnant and bedridden: her response to those who accuse her of endangering the baby
Is Jessica Thivenin endangering her baby by not staying in bed? Accused of not respecting the doctor's instructions when getting up to take photos, the wife of Thibault Kuro who is 24 weeks pregnant responded to "bad tongues" in Instagram story.
24 weeks pregnant, Jessica Thivenin lives complicated pregnancy and multiplies hospital stays . In order to avoid a premature birth, the expectant mother who has already had many contractions must stay in bed for 3 weeks now . If she tries to put things into perspective, it is not always easy for the wife of Thibault Kuro who has already cracked several times ... and takes risks? Accused of getting up to take Instagram photos, the Marseillais candidate responded in story.

She responds to "bad languages"

Pushing a rant, she makes things clear: "For the bad tongues, I want to clarify that when I put a small photo on Instagram, it is a photo that I took when I went to the toilet. ..) I don't spend 1 hour doing a photo shoot, it takes me 3 seconds and I only get up for special occasions so toilet and shower. Otherwise, everything else I do in my bed ".

"I am not a suicide bomber"

Make-up, meals, stories ... she ensures that she doesn't move from her bed except to go to the shower and the toilet! "I prefer to stop bad tongues because I see some comments and there you are hard. I respect the rules well, I listen to my doctor, I am not a suicide bomber, I am not a madman, I am well what What to do". Reassured?
