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Watch out, not for the faint-hearted ! Caroline Receiver made the decision to have some of her tattoos removed and shared her laser session live on Snapchat. Honestly, we could not do without it ... The images are gorgeous and limit cold in the back.
Are you hungry? So this article is not for you because after reading it, you may not eat anything until tomorrow. In the program ? Nausea, chills, but especially gore, gore and gore. We will have warned you, huh ...

Caroline separates from her tattoos ...

We all know, before getting a tattoo, it's better to think twice. Some celebrities have not really listened to this advice and are now forced to go through the laser box to get rid of it. M.Pokora recently had his tattoos removed and it is now Caroline Receiver's turn . The ex-candidate of Secret Story 2 wanted to share this painful experience with her fans on Snapchat, who will remember it for a long time.

... and it's shocking

With the help of several tattoo removal sessions, the ultra sexy blogger has had some of her tattoos removed on her left forearm, right arm and neck. Result? The appearance of an influx of blood, burns, blisters, crusts ... We do not feel good all of a sudden, where is the toilet? Finally, you have to suffer to be beautiful as they say and Caroline Receiver seems to have understood this saying. At least, thanks to the ex-host of Mag on NRJ 12 , we're not going to go to the tattoo artist right away even if we really want to, what do you think?
