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Britney Spears au tribunal ... on lui réclame 10 millions de dollars pour fraude

Britney Spears is going to have to find good lawyers. The interpreter of Till The World Ends is being sued by the company Brand Sense for breach of contract, fraud and deception for its perfume Radiance. The ex sponsor then claims him the tidy sum of 10 million dollars! Purefans News by
Britney Spears is going to have to find good lawyers. The interpreter of Till The World Ends is being sued by the company Brand Sense for breach of contract, fraud and deception for its perfume Radiance . The ex sponsor then claims him the tidy sum of 10 million dollars ! Purefans News by Adobuzz tells you more!

Britney Spears was associated with Brad Sense for its Radiance fragrance This company allowed the singer to launch her line of perfumes but according to her, Brit-Brit defrauded and did not fulfill its part of the contract.

Brad Sens had a contractual right to a commission of 35% on all Britney Spears aprfums sold by Elizabeth Arden " recalls the firm.

She therefore accuses Britney of not having paid the famous 35% and having kept everything for herself, thanks to a " secret agreement with Elizabeth Arden, in a devious effort to circumvent and evade her obligations with Brand Sense ".

Society therefore demands$ 10 million in damages , that is to say an astronomical sum.

The queen of pop must therefore appear in court to give her version of the facts. She had already been summoned on April 29, but had declared that she was not available on that date.
