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Beyoncé and Jay Z: as a gift to their employees? $ 4 million!

In addition to forming a couple of superstars, Beyoncé and Jay Z play the Emmanuelle sisters. They have their hearts on their hands. In short, when they collect a little too much money from the taxman, they give it to their servants, assistants and bodyguards. Result: their 80 employees shared the sum of $ 4 million.
If Jay Z (and no longer Jay-Z ) and Beyoncé like to have fun by offering themselves a Rolls Royce or even an island , they also do not hesitate to make small gifts to their employees.

A small bonus of ... $ 4 million

If they love to rot-spoil their little Blue Ivy , and give Dior and Tiffany's gifts to North West , the daughter of Kanye and Kim Kardashian , they are not the only ones to benefit from their generosity. According to the Daily Star , Jay Z recently received a $ 4 million tax rebate. Instead of buying a yacht, a luxury car or a villa by the sea, they decided to surprise their employees.

$ 45,000 to each employee

The 4 million were thus divided into four equal parts. Each employee received the sum of 45,000 dollars (34,000 euros) in his account. According to a source quoted by the Daily Star , assistants, bodyguards, servants: " no one has been forgotten ". Some employees were even shocked to discover a five-digit number on their bank account. They immediately contacted the rapper's assistance to report the " error " to him. But it was not one.
