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Adixia talks about his breakup and Paga's infidelity in his book, the Marseillais reacts

Adixia talks about his breakup and Paga's infidelity in his book: the Marseillais reacts
After Aurélie Dotremont, Jessica Thivenin or Nabilla Benattia, it's Adixia's turn to reveal more about her past and her life in her book My Revenge: From Adeline to Adixia. The ex-candidate of the Marseillais Asian Tour notably talks about her break with Paga and the latter's infidelity. The brother of Julien Tanti reacts.

"Paga does everything to get me back, but I don't want him anymore"

In 2017, Paga and Adixia separated after three years of relationship: the pretty Belgian did not manage to forgive the infidelities of her ex-boyfriend. She also addresses this subject in her book My Revenge: From Adeline to Adixia , available on Amazon and in paperback format, from which PRBK offers you an extract: " To 'shake' me, Paga cheats on me during a shoot. assures me after it was wrong and that he doesn't feel anything for this girl. I believe him. Indeed, his act makes me react. Even if I am very upset that he kissed a girl in front of hundreds thousands of viewers, Paga and I reconcile. In the months that follow, everything becomes almost normal. "
Adixia then confides that it was difficult for her to forget Paga's gap: " We are trying to recreate something solid, but I am constantly criticizing him. I am trying to understand his act ( ...) Even if it was out of place, I think it was really to make me react! But it is stronger than me, I think of her lips on those of another girl. been attracted to her? If so, what was better than me? I, who, at the time, stole it from the arms of a girl, is a backlash. I question myself . "
A few months later, the brother of Julien Tanti once again deceives the ex-candidate of the Ch'tis, the time too many: " I do not forgive anything anymore (...) Paga does everything to recover, but I do not want more of him. I give a chance, not two (...) I don't want to talk about my ex on all occasions. I don't want anyone: Paga and I looked for this media coverage. ( ...) Many people don't realize the memories they bring to life when they tell me about my past. Paga and me, it's over! "

"She called me for copyright?"

After breaking up with Paga, Adixia, who has been the victim of harassment at school , couples with Jim, a DJ, and the latest news, she is still with him. His history with the ex of Hilona therefore belongs to the past. The latter also reacted to the release of his book My Revenge: From Adeline to Adixia alongside Nikola Lozina and Laura Lempika on Snapchat: " So already I was not even aware that she was writing her book. ( ...) She called me for the copyrights? (...) In any case what is certain is that in her book she will go well with the subject "I frequented Paga ", if not she will say what? That she passed from her 22 years to her 30 years. (... ) I'm not even going to bad. "
