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small sanction after his comments on Thiago Silva

small sanction after his comments on Thiago Silva

his controversial comments on Twitter against PSG defender Thiago Silva, OM midfielder Joey Barton is doing quite well. He was sanctioned with two suspended matches by the National Ethics Council.
Between his squabble against Pierre Ménès , his special tweetclash Neymar or his tackles against David Beckham , the bad guy Joey Barton was noticed more by his murderous pikes than by his game on the ground. But it was his polemical comments on Thiago Silva that will have caused the most stir.

Joey Barton to stay

The OM midfielder is doing quite well in the end. He was suspended from two suspended matches by the National Ethics Council (CNE) following his insulting remarks against PSG captain Thiago Silva . The National Ethics Council has suspended Joey Barton for two suspended games for incorrect comments following his tweets about the PSG player ," said OM.

Insulting remarks against Thiago Silva

This decision follows the insults pronounced by the English bay guy on Twitter. He had notably treated the player of Brazilian origin of " fiotte " and " transsexual ". The CNE had met for the first time on April 15, but found itself faced with a problem of translation of its messages posted in English
