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Sara (Secret Story 8): in a relationship with a woman before the show?

Sara (Secret Story 8): in a relationship with a woman before the show?

 love life continues to generate buzz. But this time, it is not for a story lived in the House of Secrets that the candidate for Secret Story 8 is talked about ... but for one that took place before the broadcast of TF1. According to our colleagues from Pure People, the beautiful blonde was in a relationship with a woman before joining the adventure.

A new secret revealed

In Secret Story 8 , Sara must defend the secret "We are the impostors" . But she could have participated in the adventure with the title "I was in a relationship with a woman before participating in Secret Story 8". In an interview for TV Mag , her half-sister Cloé said: " She hesitated to go because she was in a relationship and she did not know what to do. Her partner did not want her to go and, finally, their story ended and she entered the game single . " Yet according to our colleagues from Pure People , this is not a man who shared his life.

Sara en couple avec une fille avant Secret Story 8 ?

Avant d'intégrer la Secret Zone, la blondinette - qui est loin d'être pudique - aurait vécu une histoire d'amour avec une jeune femme prénommée Aurore. Pendant un an, elle auraient eu une relation "complexe et conflictuelle" selon Pure People. Visiblement, les anciennes amantes devaient participer à la télé-réalité de TF1 toutes les deux. Mais au dernier moment, la production aurait changé d'avis. Si elle espérait se consoler dans les bras de Stefan, c'est loupé. Après avoir couché avec le beau brun, Sara s'est royalement fait ignorer et a été accusée de l'avoir allumé.
