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Rémi Notta (The Angels) influencer on Instagram, he reveals his huge salary

Rémi Notta (The Angels) influencer on Instagram, he reveals his huge salary

 candidate for reality TV (Les Anges, Secret Story), Rémi Notta is now a sports coach and above all, an influencer on social networks. Present on the set of TPMP People, he notably revealed his incredible salary thanks to Instagram.
Rémi Notta is not only a reality TV candidate , he is now an influencer. In other words, the young man discovered in Secret Story spends his days building a community around himself in order to sell him, on occasion, advertising during various product placements.

A profession to supervise

A concept that affects TV hosts as well as YouTubers or actors, and which attracts more and more anonymous people. Present on the set of TPMP People this Friday, November 8, Rémi confided in no language of wood on this activity and the interest of following training to get by: " It is seen like that [the cliché of post a photo and say 'Protein is important', this is a new profession, it is a profession of a generation. The profession was born but it is good to structure it with schools, certificates, diplomas ... Today, everyone can become an influencer. But you have to become a quality influencer. And the problem is that you can find quantity influencers . "

Being an influencer can pay off

According to him, it is important to follow supervised training in order to learn how to make posts, photos, videos ... because this job, when done well, can pay off . Very open on the subject, he notably confessed: " Last month I made between 30 and 40 posts. One or two [per day]. Exactly, [he touched] between 5000 and 6000 €. For me it is a real job, I have a company, I am an employee of my company, we develop contracts, we implement techniques ... "
A salary that should make more than one dream but which, Rémi reminds, hides a real job behind it.
