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Nadège Lacroix and cosmetic surgery: she reveals her next operation (interview)

Nadège Lacroix and cosmetic surgery: she reveals her next operation (interview)

 a month ago, Nadège Lacroix made a quick tour of the Champs Elysées clinic without revealing the purpose of her visit. Do not panic, during an interview for PRBK, the candidate of Marseillais & Les Ch'tis VS The rest of the world confided in this mysterious cosmetic surgery operation and unveiled the next one.

A new nose for Christmas?

After her chest, Nadège Lacroix dared a new cosmetic surgery operation on August 19. Yes, it was on his Instagram account that his subscribers were able to discover a live photo of the Champs Elysées clinic. But what part of her body could she have touched up?
During our meeting with the beautiful Nadège, we did not hesitate to ask her this famous question. I went to the Champs Elysées clinic because I celebrated a birthday in this adventure and I am 30 years old. They helped me to get a little younger look and I am looking with them if possibly for Christmas, I will not afford a new nose, "said the candidate from Marseillais & Les Ch'tis VS The rest of the world to PRBK. Rather nice as a Christmas present.

"With age, you gain a little more self-confidence"

In her reality TV shows, Nadège Lacroix talks a lot about her age, but it's not because she just turned 30 that life will stop. I was born old. At 22, I felt like I was at the end of my life. I feel like life is wonderful, that it goes by very quickly and that you have to enjoy it immediately and live it at 150 an hour. I'm not going to say that I'm old because I feel very young, but with age we gain a little more self-confidence, we know what we want in life. I'm glad I'm the age I am, but I also know that you have to try to stay young in your head and physically, "said Nicolas' ex-girlfriend .
