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many cosmetic surgeries after childbirth?

many cosmetic surgeries after childbirth?

 with her second child, Kim Kardashian does not seem to be having a fulfilling pregnancy and is sorry to have gained a lot of weight. To believe a new rumor, the future mother would also consider going through the cosmetic surgery box after the birth of her son.

Kim Kardashian complexed by her pounds of pregnancy

The birth of Kim Kardashian is fast approaching. The American bimbo, anxious about the birth of her son , is indeed already more than 36 weeks pregnant and should welcome her second child by the end of the year. But in early 2016, it may not be just a question of bottles and diapers for Kanye West's wife . According to RadarOnline, she would think of going under the knife, complexed by her many pounds gained during her pregnancy.
Kim plans a major makeover thanks to cosmetic surgery after giving birth ," said a source. Obsessed with her body ", she would like to quickly get in shape and would have already contacted doctors to touch up her breasts, tighten the skin of her belly and have liposuction.

Kanye West against Kim Kardashian's project?

According to the source of RadarOnline, Kim Kardashian wants to go through the cosmetic surgery box because " her body is her business " and that she never lost all the weight gained during her first pregnancy. But if North's mom can count on the support of her mother Kris Jenner in her desire to touch up her body, it would be more complicated to convince Kanye West : the rapper would refuse to let his wife go under the knife, still traumatized by death of his mother Donda who died following complications during cosmetic surgeries in
