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Louise (The Voice 2020) eliminated: "when Marc Lavoine buzzed Ifè, I knew I was going to leave"

Louise (The Voice 2020) eliminated: "when Marc Lavoine buzzed Ifè, I knew I was going to leave"

 was the emotional lift this Saturday April 4, 2020 in The Voice 9. While TF1 broadcast the knockouts of Marc Lavoine, the coach decided to keep Antoine Delie, Antony Trice and Louise Combier to go to the Palais des Sports for the lives , before eliminating the latter following the passage of Ifé. In an interview for Purebreak, the singer returns to this elimination, not so surprised as that.
Purebreak: Did you expect to win against Don Pierre during the battle?
Louise Combier: Honestly, no, I did not expect to win. We were really on the same level. Besides, that's why it was really a duo, there was not one better than the other so I had absolutely no certainty of winning. I was a little surprised but especially happy that Marc chose me.
What kind of messages have you received on social networks?
From the start, I really receive touching messages, which make me really happy. I receive only positive things so I am really happy. People have written poems to me, long texts, so it's always a pleasure. People are also interested in my personal work so it's great.
Why did you choose All Boats, All Birds , from Polnareff, for knockouts?
I chose this song with the help of the team. I would not have spontaneously chosen this song but ultimately, I was really happy with the result. This song, I liked it originally, but I told myself that it was not especially my style. I usually do jazz songs but it's not really dancing. But in fact, the text I liked a lot, it is a very poetic text, with a lot of images. It comes close to what I do and what I like to write in my songs and the fact that we arranged it to be a little softer, I was really happy with the result.
I was shocked, I did not expect Marc Lavoine to buzz me at all
How did you feel when Marc Lavoine hit the buzzer?
There for once, I was really surprised because I did not expect him to buzz me at all. In fact, it brought me back to reality because when I sang the song, I completely forgot that we were in a game, I was really in the song and when it buzzed me, I said to myself "it's not possible", I was really shocked.
You have had many compliments from the coaches. Which impressed you the most?
I selected a few, but I especially remembered that of Lara Fabian and Amel Bent who said that I was a timeless singer in the sense that I had something old and traditional and also something new . This struck me. Pascal Obispo too, when he told me that if I could move 200 people, I could move 5000 at the Palais des Sports. It's really nice, I have not had any negative comments.
You say you made a mistake in the lyrics, you put that on the stress shot?
I was really wrong in the lyrics. In fact, my brain completely forgot the words and I attached myself to the first verse and no one heard it. Except I said it behind the scenes so people will see it. I don't know how I did it but thank you, because otherwise there was going to be a blank for a while. I think it was after Marc Lavoine buzzed, I think I was so destabilized that I lost my means.
From the moment he buzzed Ifè, I knew I was going to be eliminated
Finally, Marc Lavoine chose to keep Ifè. Did you suspect it?
I suspected it. I had told Nathalie, my coach, that I knew that Marc Lavoine was going to choose these 3 talents there, she had said to me "but think again". I don't know why I had this certainty there. I had known the results of the other teams and, suddenly, I knew that I was not going to go there, I do not know why, it was an intuition. I felt in danger and, at the same time, when I sang, I did it as if it was the last time, I was no longer in the game and when it buzzed me, the reality m caught up.
Did you feel more in danger than the others at the time?
From the moment he buzzed Ifè, I knew I was going to be eliminated. It couldn't be Antony who had just passed by, nor Antoine of course, so at that time, I was sure I was going to leave. Well, after that I still had a little hope, it's normal, so it still made the emotional lift.
Did you understand Marc Lavoine's choice not to keep you?
I understood by watching the auditions blind, I really understood that there was a story between Marc and Ifè, I felt them both really close. Same with Antoine and Antony, I felt that there was something that brought them together.
For me, The Voice is Antoine, without hesitation
According to him, you were not ready to go to the Palais des Sports, do you agree?
I agree, yes and no. Because if I had been at the Palais des Sports, I would have sung like everyone, like everyone else. I don't think anyone among the candidates is really ready to sing there, nobody has ever sung on such a stage but after I understand that he told me that. I would have been super happy, it would have been incredible and really stressful.
In the end, no girl is part of his team ...
It is kind of a shame. It is true that, as I was the only girl on the team, I still had this hope that he would keep me by saying that I am the only girl, but hey, it's a shame but at the same time , it is not very serious. There are other girls in other teams who are superb.
Who of Antoine, Antony and Ifè is The Voice according to you?
For me, as soon as I heard it, I thought it was going to be him ... For me, it's Antoine. I find that he has a charisma, he really has a vocal and artistic personality. For me, it's him, I have no hesitation. As soon as I heard him sing, before the season even started, I thought it was him.
What is waiting for you now?
Right now, I'm composing an album of 5 titles which will be released within a year. Otherwise, I have a lot of dates, in France and in Belgium, which arrive from September. I'm going to play a lot so I'm happy, it's really good. I already had a manager but The Voice , it opened doors for me in the sense that I had a lot of requests for artistic meetings but especially requests for beautiful first parts. And then for sure I will keep in touch with Marc Lavoine.
