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Kim Glow tries to be forgiven after a shameful snap on our "little shit life"

Kim Glow tries to be forgiven after a shameful snap on our "little shit life"

 Kim Glow does not miss one! After her shock sequence, when she was stuck in Tunisia because of the Coronavirus, the ex-candidate of the Angels 9 posted a video in which she made very violent and inappropriate comments towards those who criticized her. She then published a long message of apology ... which does not pass.
While millions of people try to survive in the face of the Coronavirus and find themselves confined to their homes to avoid the spread of the virus, Kim Glow , she, skids day by day with shocking words during this difficult period. Most internet users did not miss her when she asked Emmanuel Macron for a military repatriation when she was stuck in Tunisia because of the Covid-19: " They're not kidding here, it's dictatorship ", she swung.

"You will resume your shitty life working all day for a minimum wage"

Kim Glow then received a wave of hate messages to which she replied . A wave that continues today following another video of the ex-candidate of the Angels 9 where we can hear him say: " There are only two things that matter in my life is that my loved ones are healthy and armored (with money), the rest I don't care . " In short, his community does not seem to interest the masses while it is still thanks to him that she wins a lot of money. Nice!
The ex of Anthony Matéo goes even further with shocking words: " In fact your hatred I don't care as long as I earn even more money. You, after the coronavirus you will resume your little shit life at working all day for a minimum wage to pay your bills, I can get out of here after the coronavirus, as usual in the Maldives, whatever ... me my life is great, so your hatred as long as it makes me earn money ... I don't care. "We don't even know what to say ... As you can imagine, Kim Glow's comments have not been passed on to internet users at all.

"I'm ashamed to have said that"

Aware of her big slip, the friend of Shanna Kress nevertheless had the intelligence to post a long message of apologies on Snapchat: " what I said is unforgivable. I apologize to you, I didn't think about it not a word. I didn't mean to disrespect everyone who worked, or my family, my friends. I am ashamed to have said that and to have fallen so low. I challenge anyone not to not crack after reading thousands of hate messages in which people wish me dead and other unimaginable atrocities. "
Kim Glow then confides that she " wanted to hurt ": " only, I should never have said that and I apologize. I am well aware that without the TV, I would still be working everyday as before. (...) How could a person with as much zest for life as I and so much kindness have given in to the pressure of this relentlessness? "

Sarah Lopez tackles Kim Glow violently

The Twittos are not the only ones to have violently clashed Kim Glow. Sarah Lopez ( The Angels 12 ) also expressed her anger on Snap: " You tramp, who makes you live? I lived in a public housing and it was the happiest days of my life. life old girl. I find that I was kind on my words because I do not forget that I have children who follow me. I told you that I could not bear it in The Angels. almost hit her and I'm disgusted that I was kept from hitting her. She opens her mouth full of filth, she disparages everyone ... Boycott her. Her insulting words, she only seeks the buzz for show off. My little Kim, fuck you. "
