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Katy Perry: after the blue hair, the little green men!

Katy Perry: after the blue hair, the little green men!

knew that Katy Perry had a totally delusional musical universe. Between completely crazy outfits and hair of all colors, the pop singer does nothing like everyone else. What was less known was that the interpreter of ET believed hard on the aliens. And she doesn't hide it. Interviewed p
We knew that Katy Perry had a totally delusional musical universe. Between completely crazy outfits and hair of all colors, the singer of Part of Me does nothing like everyone else. What was less known was that the interpreter of ET believed hard on the aliens. And she doesn't hide it. Interviewed by the Sun, the beautiful brunette who has trouble digesting her divorce shouted her love for little green men. Katy Perry more cracked than Lady Gaga?
Questioned by the Sun, Katy Perry thus revealed in all honesty to be fascinated by the extraterrestrials. The ex of Russell Brand declares that after having grown up in a world in " black and white " dominated by her faith in the religion, the beautiful sees the life today in a completely different way and asks a lot of questions : " Today, I see many more colors in the world and I ask myself more questions. I am very interested in the things that go beyond us, which were there before me and which will be still after ". Did Katy Perry use a few illicit substances before the interview?
And as if that were not enough, the BFF of "Robsten" is so addicted to aliens that it gorges itself on episodes of a series of the genre called "Ancient Aliens". A hobby that she shared with her ex Russell Brand , also fascinated by ET: " Russell and I are interested in everything extraterrestrial. We will go into space one day. We really are very excited! ", she had announced in the past.
Filled with love for extraterrestrials, the one who spends her time copying Rihanna , has confessed to dreaming that they come to Earth one day to pay her a friendly visit: " I hope that when the aliens come, they will recognize me. will be like "Please don't kill me, I wrote a song called ET ".
For fans of Katy Perry who would worry about the mental health of their favorite singer, do not panic, Rihanna also confessed to having waited in her childhood for a meeting of the 3rd type.
