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Demi Lovato: her memories? "People will be very shocked"

Demi Lovato: her memories? "People will be very shocked"

2010, Demi Lovato spent several months in rehab for eating disorders and a serious addiction to alcohol and drugs. Three years later, the singer of Made in the USA is about to tell her hell in a confession book. And already, it ensures that readers risk being shocked.
Demi Lovato without taboo
Last September, Demi Lovato signed a multi-million dollar contract to recount her complicated adolescence in a confession book. Interviewed on this subject by Entertainment Weekly magazine , the singer of Let It Go and Heart Attack confides: " I am in the middle of an inner conflict to know how honest I must be ". And to add: "Yes, I have been very honest so far, but if people find out how dark and serious my battles have been - not just about my eating disorders but also alcohol and drugs - they will be very shocked. But I think I'll end up saying everything. Maybe it will help those in the industry going the wrong way. " Miley Cyrus , in joint mode with MTV EMA 2013, may feel concerned ...

Back on top, three years after going into high-profile rehab, Demi Lovato never imagined such a comeback. " When I was in rehab, I honestly thought my career was over. But when I got out of rehab, I had more support than ever from my fans, " said the ex-star of Disney in EW . In the casting of season 5 of Glee , sworn in X-Factor US and soon on the roads for a girly tour alongside Little Mix or Fifth Harmony, Demi Lovato has indeed turned the page of his descent into hell.
