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Benoît Dubois, the Mad Mag coming back soon? "We are not immune to a good surprise"

Benoît Dubois, the Mad Mag coming back soon? "We are not immune to a good surprise"

since January 2018, can Le Mad Mag soon return to NRJ 12? Interviewed by PRBK, Benoît Dubois confides in the future of the show, but not only: weight loss of Ayem Nour, supposed couple of Aymeric Bonnery with Leila Ben Khalifa, sentimental life ... he says it all!

Mad Mag? "It was going to be hard to take off after two months off"

Purebreak: Mad Mag has been deprogrammed, how did you get the news?
Benoît Dubois: I have been on NRJ 12 for eight years. The Mad Mag I saw him leave, come back, I also saw people leave and come back and go again. They even entrusted me with Le Mad Mag for a year with Capucine Anav and Karima Charni, it sank too and we resumed the program. Mag is really a program that 'it goes away and it comes back' (laughs). In fact, it is Claude François the producer of Mad Mag. I am not really shocked because it is a meeting which leaves and which returns. We have a target between 15-24 who is not really faithful. It will be their favorite for two months then they will give up. It's like that. After, the chain always gave me my space, I am not unhappy.
Did you expect this pause?
I thought it would be hard to take off after two months off. During the holidays, people got attached to other programs, but NRJ 12 is a bit of a chain at all is possible.
Was your participation in Friends Trip 4 in a way to anticipate this deprogramming?
Not at all because when I participated in Friends Trip 4, it was in October. The show was working well so there was no reason for it to be scheduled.
When do you think the show can come back?
Already, we have very good scores with Friends Trip. The show really progressed. You should know that The Mad Mag uses these programs as a springboard. Suddenly, we are not immune to a good surprise since we have already won customer loyalty since the start Friends Trip, Les Anges should work well.

"I did not do TPMP because I am still on contract with NRJ 12"

In the meantime, the Mad Box with Emilie Picch continues, it's rather a good thing isn't it?
It is our little date every evening with Emilie that I love. I could spend my life doing this. For me, Emilie Picch, this is my revelation. She is incredible, she has a lot of ideas, she is not stereotypical, she is completely different ... I think it's good to have added value like that.
Martial also reacted to this deprogramming by tackling Aymeric Bonnery and Ayem Nour. What do you think of his words?
This question is a bit complicated since the three of them are my friends. I think they have disagreements with each other, but for my part, it did not encroach on my relations with them. I prefer not to answer because otherwise it will fall on me. I love all three of them.
You recently appeared on TPMP, a show in which you refused to participate because it scared you. Can your opinion change?
I did not do it because I am still on contract on NRJ 12. When I start something, I like to finish it, but three weeks ago, Cyril Hanouna offered me a position for the year next. I told him 'I love your show especially since you collaborate with lots of friends of mine and former colleagues so I have no reason to refuse. The only reason is that I have a contract with a chain that I love. I have plans to finish there '. I don't want to start something without having finished my project, especially since it's on another channel, I don't want to create conflicts.
Even if the program scares you, would you be ready to collaborate again with Matthieu Delormeau?
I'd love to, it makes me laugh. I have collaborated with him for quite a few years, he is very good, but Matthieu and I five years ago have nothing to do with today. We both moved in two different directions. The Matthew with whom I collaborated at the time is not the same as now.

Aymeric Bonnery back in a relationship with Leila Ben Khalifa? "I doubt"

Would you have been interested in presenting Game of clones?
I'm so bad at the presentation. As a columnist I have fun because I am the troublemaker and I do what I want. I'm too crazy to be given this responsibility, I tried to run a show, it went off in any way. And then, they know that I don't want to make a presentation so they don't even offer me.
Ayem Nour lost several pounds in a few months. What do you think of its new silhouette?
She's fine. When you have been a fighter and have had a child, it is difficult to regress physically. Ayem, she greased a lot (laughs). Anyway, I knew she was going to lose weight. She has a winner mentality, she always achieves her goals, but I am sure that psychologically, it must have been very hard this period especially when you have an image profession. I am very proud of her. She lost her weight with a lot of diets, it's to her credit.
This weekend, Aymeric posted a photo with a mysterious girl. Internet users are convinced that this is Leila. Do you know something that knows him so well?
It would surprise me if it was Leila. She makes her life, she is in her delirium, this story is closed business. It must be a chick he must have found there, but for me it's not Leila at all. And then if all the brunettes with curly hair are Leila, we are doing more.
And you, are you still single?
It's shit right now. I ran into a complicated guy because he doesn't want relationships, but he had a hard time not being with me. I ran into an asshole again, I can't take it anymore, I attract them. I can't be happy like everyone else right ?! All I have to do is go into a box, there is a lively skinned guy, a cheeky guy and of course I'm going to go to him and it's going to be shit.
