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Barbara Opsomer stops reality TV: "I'm fed up"

Barbara Opsomer stops reality TV: "I'm fed up"

 you are a fan of Barbara Opsomer, well unfortunately for you know that you will no longer see her on television. At the very least, you won't be able to follow her on a reality show anymore because she decided to stop. For her, after Secret Story 11 and Les Anges 10, that's enough. The singer now wants to devote herself to her artistic projects only.

Stop reality TV

It's over, Barbara Opsomer will no longer participate in any reality TV. Not because she is no longer contacted by the productions but because the former candidate of the Angels 10 on NRJ12 no longer wants to be part of this environment. This is what the singer of "Your most beautiful insomnia revealed in an interview with Ohmymag , explaining: " I'm tired of being given the label of reality TV personality, I'm Barbara Opsomer and I above all do comedy and music, I no longer want to be associated with something else " .
The one you knew in Secret Story 11 no longer wants to be filmed 24 hours a day. The only cameras she accepts will be those of her clips and her fiction projects. Barbara Opsomer also admitted that at the start, if she decided to go into reality TV, it was because she did not feel at the top. "It was a period of my life when I was not doing well at all" she said, "so I got into carpe diem mode" .

She talks about the lack of privacy and the critics

In addition to no longer wanting to be associated with reality TV, Barbara admitted that being a candidate in this type of program brings both advantages and disadvantages. "If it closes doors, it also opens a lot", she said, but what is difficult is the fact of feeling watched all the time: "It's hard because people mingle constantly in your life, you are watched and criticized every day . A lack of privacy which is counterbalanced by the sweet words of the fans: "We also receive a lot of love so we have to ignore it" .
The other big problem is product placement . Because on the one hand, it pays the bills well, but Internet users are not tender about it. "People criticize us about this but it is clearly thanks to this that we pay our rent" she recalled. A concern that no longer concerns her since the artist stops her television career.
