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ICU nurse says 'the best thank you is to stay home'

ICU nurse says 'the best thank you is to stay home'

It was "sheer emotion" that prompted Stephanie Weinwurm, an intensive care unit nurse from Westborough, Massachusetts, who works at Beth Israel Deaconess in Boston, to write a heartfelt Facebook post begging people to stay home.

I had just gotten off three 12-hour shifts in a row," she told "Good Morning America." " I came home deflated and scared for the first time in my 20 plus years of nursing. Scared for the patients, scared that I might bring this home to our son, scared for my peers and the general public at large. For the first time in my career, I felt myself shaken."

And then, as she scrolled through social media and saw some of the "flippant attitudes toward this crisis," the words just came out.

She wrote in part, "I know many of you are affected in countless ways; missed opportunities for sports, cancelled weddings, postponements of special events, school, financial and household burdens, inconveniences...and..and. And, while they may pale in comparison to death; they matter. And I’m sorry."

"I have been offended by many of the posts and flippant attitudes in regards to this crisis who seemingly became Epidemiology and Infectious disease experts overnight," Weinwurm continued. "I have concurrently been inspired by so many acts of good will and selflessness by those who 'get it.'"

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"This isn’t about me. This isn’t about you. This is about ALL of us! You sitting “this one out” and being compliant could mean the difference of life for someone else," she added.
