Shanna Kress confides in her suicide attempt: "I should have killed myself"

Shanna Kress confides in her suicide attempt: "I should have killed myself"
Shanna Kress confides in her suicide attempt: "I should have killed myself"
Shanna Kress has decided to reveal all the secrets of her past in her book Do not fear, released on February 4, 2020. The candidate of La Villa des Coeurs Brisés 5 confides in particular on her suicide attempt at the age of 17 years, at the time when she felt lonely and experienced a deep discomfort.
Shanna Kress has had a very painful past. If she lacked affection on the part of her parents, everything darkens when her mother couples with a man other than her father. The candidate's stepfather turns out to be an alcoholic and violent man attracted by little girls like Shanna and her sister Alizée: " he had unscrupulous confessions to fantasize about my buttocks ". Today, the nicknamed D. " stays in a psychiatric hospital ". The candidate of La Villa des Coeurs Brisés 5 also admits, in her book Do not be afraid , to have been the victim of "sexual abuse" and harassed by her former tutor.

The day Shanna Kress wanted to end her life

To escape her stepfather, Shanna Kress goes to live with her dad ... where she begins to feel a deep loneliness there because her father is regularly absent because of her work. At 17, she tries to end her life: " One day, not knowing how to ease my ailments, I decide to put an end to it. It's been years since I have black ideas, but I do not never had the courage to take action. This Saturday, I tell my mother-in-law that I'm going for a walk, my father is away, "said the singer in her book.
Going for a walk , Shanna stops by the garage to take a rope: " I sink into the woods then. I cry so much that I can't see anything. After a good hour wandering, desperate, I see a corner below and decides to take refuge there. I sit in the dead leaves, then I wrap the rope around my neck and try to strangle myself. I pull with all my strength on each side. cry a lot but tell me I won't miss anyone. "

"Survival reflexes would have let me loose the rope"

Fortunately, the ex-candidate of the Angels 10 did not go through with her suicide attempt: " I feel my lice accelerate, the air no longer passes, my heart seems to beat in my temples, I I'm going to pass out. I feel myself leaving. Suddenly, the image of my little sister appears to me and I suddenly let go of the rope. I know, anyway, that I won't be able to kill myself like that. Survival reflexes would have let go of the rope. I sit on the ground, dejected. Afterwards, I feel even worse. My suicide attempt adds one more bad memory to my collection. "
But the story does not end there. The day after this act, Shanna Kress learns that her boyfriend at the time, Laurent, cheated on her with one of her friends: " It's probably the worst week of my life. I can't take it anymore. I should have killed myself. "