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Shanna and Thibault, a break for the buzz? She reacts on Snapchat

Shanna Kress and Thibault Kuro surprised internet users by announcing their breakup. And since then, some believe that it would be a false separation. So have they broken up for the buzz? Will they get back together? The candidate who denied being in The Angels 9 responded on Snapchat.

Shanna and Thibault separated for the buzz?

Could Shanna and Thibault get back together? Shanna Kress and Thibault Kuro had surprised and created the buzz by announcing their breakup which no one expected. For several days, some Internet users even think that it would be a false separation, only for the buzz.
Shanna wanted to make things clear on Snapchat . Currently in Miami with girlfriends , the former Marseillais candidate explained: "With Thibault, we are indeed separated" "There was no break for buzz. It was really a decision that took both . "
However, despite their recent breakup, Shanna and Thibault continue to remain very close. "You still have to know that we get along very well. Every day we send each other messages, we talk to each other. There is no problem at that level but we are really separated" explained in detail the one who responded to the rumors of participation in Angels 9 , adding: "I receive a lot of messages where people say to me: 'Get back together' but we can't" .

"We will always be in each other's lives"

The pretty brunette at the head of Bbryance with her ex Thibault will therefore continue to live apart from him, but she assured that they will be connected for life: "Today, we are no longer together but there is a link which was created very strong between him and me. For life, we will be linked, that's for sure and certain. Each one will take a different path to build his life but we will always be in each other's life , I can assure you . "
And the one who is now single is not ready to re-couple with her former lover. "Many would like us to get back together but after it's life friends, we must respect everyone's choice" she concluded.
