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Sarah Fraisou (Les Anges 8) and Malik: a break for the buzz? She responds on Snapchat

Sarah Fraisou (Les Anges 8) and Malik: a break for the buzz? She responds on Snapchat
Love at first sight, engagement, vacation, breakup ... Did Sarah Fraisou and Malik try to make the buzz with their couple? This is what some haters think, to which the candidate of the Angels 8 has just answered on Snapchat ...
Between Sarah Fraisou and Malik, it's over. This was announced by the candidate of the Angels 8 this Tuesday, August 16 on Snapchat and Instagram. "We didn't know each other very well, we did things very quickly, and so there are things that make our characters do not go together, and that's it!" , she explained. A relationship of only three months, but intense. And for good reason, they got engaged on July 8, which earned the couple many criticisms.

Anything for the buzz?

But if Sarah and Malik thought their breakup would end the criticism, that's not the case. The haters suspect the couple of having acted only to make the buzz. Faced with these numerous accusations, the young woman reacted on Snapchat: "With Malik, there is no semblance, it's really over, we weren't trying to make the buzz and that's it. That's life, it's all !"

She answers !

To those who speculate on the reason for their separation, the candidate of the Angels 8 answers: "Do not panic, there is no harm. It's just that our characters are not compatible. It hurts because we were when even tied up. " As for their engagement, it makes things clear: "For all those who talk about religious marriage, don't worry he repudiated me three times so we are divorced religiously".

"it disgusts me"

Then she pushes a real rant: "I see people who enjoy our unhappiness and it disgusts me. Yes I chose to display my life, but that is not to defend people. In short In any case, this is not buzz, it really hurts, we are really hurt in our relationship. People who say yes, yes, we did it too quickly, but it's as if we've known each other forever. Our relationship was intense and passionate . In any case, we hope that the young woman will soon find a smile ...
