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Nikola Lozina insulted after breakup with Jessica Thivenin: she defends on Snapchat

Jessica Thivenin (Les Marseillais South America) separated from Nikola Lozina, she defends
Did Nikola Lozina Cheat Jessica Thivenin? Following rumors of infidelity, the former candidate of the Princes of Love 3 receives many insults from Internet users ... which the Marseillaise, which has taken a rant on Snapchat, taking, does not accept defense of his ex.
Between Jessica Thivenin and Nikola Lozina, it's over. In an interview for Purebreak, Paga and Adixia confirmed the break between the two candidates of the Marseillais South America . And due, the rumors of infidelity of the young Belgian will have been right of the couple. Already last December, Jeremstar dropped a bomb: according to him, the former candidate of the Princes of Love 3 would have cheated the Marseillaise. A rumor that the two lovers overcame ... before another came to reach them. Still according to the blogger, Nikola would have cheated on Jessica a second time during her stay in Monaco! If he denies everything, Stéphanie Durant's best friend begins to doubt and has decided to leave him.

"Let go of the deal!"

A week after the breakup, she wanted to speak on Snapchat to defend her ex, attacked from all sides. "It's been a week since I separated from Nikola ... I find it really not cool when I see people putting Nikola lower than the ground and lowering it .... At some point, we understood, we have to let go Even if I'm not with him now, I don't want to hurt the people I loved in my life who were part of my life . Speaking of "childishness" , she utters a rant : "Must stop insulting Niko!" ... The first step towards reconciliation?
