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Manon Marsault enceinte: elle fond en larmes avant de découvrir le sexe de son bébé (EXCLU VIDEO)

Manon Marsault pregnant: she bursts into tears before discovering the sex of her baby (EXCLUDED VIDEO)
Clashes are more and more numerous in Les Marseillais Australia, but a little respite (especially for our ears) would not hurt. Well good news: Manon Marsault and Julien Tanti will give us some because they will discover the sex of their baby in the next episode, but before the candidate can not hold back her tears. Discover an excluded extract!
A storm warning is blowing over the Marseillais villa right now! Kevin Guedj and Carla Moreau have been declaring war since their breakup, Benjamin Samat and Tony, the new candidate , almost came to blows because of Camille, Jessica Thivenin takes the lead with Kevin Guedj ... in short , nothing is going well anymore in Australia. Fortunately, Julien Tanti and Manon Marsault are there to bring back a little calm and a little happiness with the arrival of their baby or mini fraté.

"I feel like he's a boy, I can't explain it"

The two lovers will also bring a little respite, in episode 36 of the Marseillais Australia , broadcast this Thursday, April 12, 2018 on W9, by announcing to the candidates that they will finally discover the sex of their little one. In order to give you a little taste, PRBK reveals an excluded extract (to discover in our slideshow) in which Julien Tanti and Manon Marsault are delighted with this news and admit to being convinced that they are expecting a baby boy.
From the first day that I peed on the pregnancy test, I feel that it is a boy. I cannot explain it, but I am practically persuaded ", confides the ex-candidate of Moundir and apprentice adventurers . Well, she got it right because she is actually pregnant with a boy. Sorry for the spoiler even if it is not really one because the future parents announced it on social networks a few months ago. In any case, this moment provokes many emotions in Manon Marsault because she cannot hold back her tears. It
