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Jennifer Aniston: She makes $ 38 million by selling her house

Jennifer Aniston was tired of her big house in Beverly Hills. So she decided to sell it for $ 38 million. Instead, she bought an apartment in New York with her darling Justin Theroux. She earned $ 24.5 million. The two lovers will be able to
Jennifer Aniston was tired of her big house in Beverly Hills. So she decided to sell it for $ 38 million. Instead, she bought an apartment in New York with her darling Justin Theroux . She earned $ 24.5 million. The two lovers will be able to have fun. The two stars shouldn't feel cramped in their new $ 5.9 million home, even if it's still an apartment. Purefans News by Adobuzz tells you more. 

Jennifer Aniston could no longer sleep in her overly large house in Beverly Hills. So she decided to sell it. Instead, she buys an apartment in New York with her boyfriend Justin Theroux. 

It's not really in the same place, but when you're a star, you can live anywhere. Jennifer Aniston chose New York. She shouldn't be bored there. Otherwise, she can always afford a plane ticket to leave with her boyfriend anywhere, thanks to the $ 24.5 million she has just pocket. 

Moving from a house to an apartment can be weird, especially when the house in question was worth $ 38 million. But when we see the price of their new apartment ($ 5.9 million), we are reassured, and we say that ultimately, the new couple should not be short of space. 

The two lovers live happily. They bought their first common good. Remember that before moving to New York, Justin Therouxlived in the actress' house. In this new apartment, he should feel a little bit more at home. 
