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Caroline Receiver: poverty, mourning, depression ... She confides in herself while pushing a rant

Always sublime on her Instagram photos, Caroline Receveur was strongly criticized on a new post showing the young slim, beautiful and sexy mother. Exasperated by the haters, the influencer wanted to explain herself in her story. The star of social networks recalled that she was human and had also experienced poverty, mourning or depression, but that life goes on and that we have to fight.

"Listening to some, I should hide from being happy"

Too "perfect" , too "thin" ... Several netizens were not shy to criticize Caroline Receiver in comments on her new post on Instagram . The Hugo Philip companion there appears resplendent in sexy lingerie facing a mirror. In the legend of the selfie, the beauty blogger said with humor: "I woke up like this" , which translates "I woke up like that" in French, before adding a "LOL" . But the haters having attacked her on her beautiful physique, she decided to push a long rant in her story.
"Listening to some of them, I should hide from being happy, from having regained my line after baby, from having a professional situation that I like and from having the means to buy nice things from time to time " started by explaining little Marlon's mom , but " I give myself the means to do what I do and to be what I am every day " .
Finally happy and fulfilled, Caroline Receveur wanted to point out that she too has problems despite everything: "I am like everyone else. I have worries, anxieties, blows of softness, uncertainties but I would never put forward on my networks negativity, pity and discomfort to reassure people about their condition . "

"100 euros per month", "cheated" by her exes, the death of her father ... She confides

Originally from "Vosges" , the influencer and author of "No filter" then listed several hard times in her life, to prove to people that she too had no gifts. Having left for Paris at the age of 18, "I never benefited from a student grant" , "from APL" or "unemployment" , "I lived with 100 euros per month" ,"I met bad people, I was deceived by my exes, I experienced the disease, I lost my dad, I was depressed, I did therapy for two years, I I wanted to kill myself, I gained a lot of weight, I lost a lot, I tried to start several businesses, I was refused, criticized, I failed, again and again, always looking for a solution and always wanting more . And yet, "I have never felt sorry for myself," she said.

"Everything is subject to criticism"

With a fighting soul, Caroline Receveur never gave up. "I have always fought and I will continue to fight to lead the life I want with its ups and downs but always looking upwards, towards the positive" she assured, because her "mood" is "POSITIVE" . "Kindness, self-respect, love for others, perseverance and will" are the values ​​in which she believes.
On social networks even more than elsewhere, "everything is subject to criticism", so the one who is also muse and youtuber made a point of declaring to the haters: "The number of followers, I don't care. So it would be good to sort through your subscriptions and unsubscribe from my account if you think you are following a young woman of 31 at the end of the line who no longer takes care of her, does not go out anymore and lets herself go personally and professionally under the pretext that she is a mom " . This is what is said.
