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Caroline Receeur in a bikini: her chest redone? Fans wonder about Instagram

Caroline Receiver would she go through the box "cosmetic surgery" like many other former candidates of reality TV? On Instagram, his fans wonder. On vacation in Los Angeles, the pretty blogger shares photos of her in a bikini. And impossible not to notice that her breasts seem larger than before ...
On Caroline, Receiver is followed by 897,000 Internet users. Or nearly 1 million pairs of eyes that spy on each of his photos. So when Valentin Lucas' girlfriend posts snapshots of her in a bikini from the beaches of Los Angeles, the smallest detail is discussed and commented on. And these days, it is Caroline Receeur's chest that is causing the buzz. Under the latest photos, Internet users have only one word to mouth: " surgery ".

Cosmetic surgery, pregnancy or push up?

Like many former reality TV candidates , would Caroline Receiver end up giving in to the sirens of the scalpel? When we realize a before / after (in our slideshow) between a photo of the month of February in Dubai and of the month of June in Los Angeles, the difference is obvious. For Internet users, it would be a breast augmentation ... or even a side effect of pregnancy? They forget that it could also just be a push up swimsuit, right?

Caroline Receiver VS the haters

Already faced with rumors of cosmetic surgery a few months ago on social networks, Caroline Receveur had responded to her detractors with a series of ironic hashtags: " #retouches #filtre #m makeup #surgery #botox # collagen #superficiel #fade # tattooed # ugly # sad # anorexic " . Will she still take the time to respond to the comments that accumulate under each of her photos?
Caroline Receive: her breasts redone by cosmetic surgery?  Fans wonder about Instagram
Caroline Receive: her breasts redone by cosmetic surgery? Fans wonder about Instagram
Caroline Receive: her breasts redone by cosmetic surgery?  Fans wonder about Instagram
Caroline Receive: her breasts redone by cosmetic surgery? Fans wonder about Instagram
