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Caroline and Safia: the rupture continues on Snapchat and Twitter, private files are falling

YouTuber Caroline and Safia surprised all their subscribers by announcing their separation. The two ex-friends even declared war on Twitter, Snapchat and almost all social networks to reach a violent clash. Today, new settlement of accounts with the capture of private messages and other files.
It's been a war between Caroline and Safia for a few days. After ten years of friendship and three years of collaboration, the two YouTubers have decided to separate ... They are no longer on good terms and are forced to explain themselves via social networks and their channel Caroline and Safia.

Safia gives her version of the facts on video ...

After the video published by Caroline on their common YouTube channel, it's Safia's turn to give her version of the facts. In a 23-minute sequence, entitled "Let's go forward" (available in our slideshow), the pretty brunette speaks with open heart and returns to this confusion: " Yes, I created a Safia Vendome chain. did because I felt that our friendship was on the wane and especially because after three years I wanted to flourish differently. When I made this decision, I found myself facing a person who was just attacking me. "
Safia also made some rather surprising revelations about their friendship: " Caroline is my friend of 'this is good delirium', but I will never go to confide in her. If I need to confide in myself, I would go see other friends. (...) Apparently, I threatened to close the channel, so I called YouTube because I was in a bind. They gave me the option to change the YouTube passwords. "

... Caroline reacts on Twitter

These explanations did not really convince Caroline since the YouTuber was quick to post her ex-best friend on Twitter: " The video posted today is a beautiful example of all the hypocrisy that characterizes this girl. Open up your ears! ". In short, their friendship is definitely ruined and, for Safia, the release of their book will be a beautiful conclusion to their story. So meet on April 21 to discover the end of their friendship ...

Private messages appear

Caroline wrote a long letter to Safia's website to settle her accounts again. Her former best friend's response is not exactly what she expected. Suddenly, Caroline decided to share it publicly via a screenshot (available in our slideshow): " I think I have reached a stage where I am saturating, where all these kids and these madam I know everything about me come out through the eyes. (...) It's good because all of this gets me drunk that I'm trying to distance myself from. "
Screen capture that led to a heated exchange between the two YouTuber girls. Safia answered him: " It does not please the populasse but I am in a sorting objective. I have nothing to do with having hundreds of thousands of subscribers too young to understand things (...) . "Caroline then continued:" It was this "populasse" who brought you to where you are and who allow you to live as you wish. "On her site, you can then see a screenshot on which Safia says she is ready to see a lawyer ... All this was said in private. How far will this story go?
