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Beyoncé ... we ask her for 100 million dollars for a video game

When she has just unveiled her new single, Beyoncé finds herself in a dark affair. Indeed, she is being sued by ... a video game developer. Purefans News by Adobuzz explains everything. Credit: Abaca Beyoncé is back with Run The Worlds
When she has just unveiled her new single, Beyoncé finds herself in a dark affair. Indeed, she is being sued by ... a video game developer. Purefans News by Adobuzz explains everything.

Credit: Abaca

Beyoncé is back with Run The Worlds (Girls) . And unfortunately, it is also the return of conflicts. The singer is being chased by a video game developer. The reason ? he accuses him of having abandoned at the last moment a common project on a game.
According to Gate Five, Beyoncé worked with him for the dance game Starpower: Beyoncé . Then, overnight, she would have decided to stop everything at the last second. As compensation, the developer asked the star for $ 100 million, just that!

The game Starpower: Beyoncé was a game allowing fans to learn and dance alongside Beyoncé . Gate Five claims that the singer asked for more money and then canceled everything. A manager says:
"At the beginning of December, everything was underway. Then during Christmas week, she told us that she no longer wanted to participate and have anything to do with us. As a result, 70 people lost their jobs. We would rather focus on a game than on a lawsuit in court. But we want to recover damages given what his decision caused at Gate Five. "
