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Miley Cyrus is modest. Even if her beauty is unanimous, she does not want to pose naked in Playboy. The explanations for this refusal on Purefans News by Adobuzz. Credit: Abaca The famous American men's magazine, founded in 1953, will not have the honor of welcoming Miley Cyrus to
Miley Cyrus is modest. Even if her beauty is unanimous, she does not want to pose naked in Playboy . The explanations for this refusal on Purefans News by Adobuzz.

Credit: Abaca
The famous American men's magazine, founded in 1953, will not have the honor of hosting Miley Cyrus for a sexy shoot. The magazine Gossip Cop put an end to the rumor which announced the young major ( she has just celebrated her 18 years ) naked, with the interview of Hugh Hefner, the founder of Playboy:

"The answer is simple, we choose the one you Everyone would love to see. This person changes every month, and it depends on who is the hot celebrity of the month. " In any case, thank you to the channel that gave rise to this noise, Fox news, we didn't really believe it anyway ...
