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Will Jessica Thivenin leave Les Marseillais? She answers

Will Jessica Thivenin leave Les Marseillais? She answers

 her hasty departure in Les Marseillais Asian Tour and the birth of her son Maylone, Jessica Thivenin does she plan to leave the W9 flagship show permanently? Internet users are wondering about its future in the program, especially since it will only make a short appearance in Les Marseillais aux Caraïbes. The young mother confides.
For the very first time, since her arrival in the family, Jessica Thivenin left the adventure along the way in The Marseillais Asian Tour : " Even if it was hard for me to make this decision, it was time for me to leave to join my husband, my doggies ... "she said at the time. It is true that since she is in a relationship with Thibault Kuro, the candidate is less invested. Jessica Thivenin then did not participate in the Marseillais VS The rest of the world 4 because of her complicated pregnancy which forced her to be bedridden.

"I have no idea if I will do television again"

In Les Marseillais aux Caraïbes , the young mother will not be present from start to finish, she wants to take full care of her son Maylone: ​​she will appear at the start when Julien Tanti , Manon Marsault, Benjamin Samat and the others have come to give him back visit to Dubai.
With all these changes, viewers wonder if Jessica Thivenin plans to leave Les Marseillais definitively : " I'm not saying it's over but ... Besides, in itself, I'm not talking about reality TV. talk about going on vacation with my friends, Julien, Kev, Paga, Manon ... (...) I tell myself that it's not over. But I don't know at all if I will do television again or how I will consider this return ", explains the wife of Thibault Kuro in an interview with Télé Loisirs .

"I couldn't be 100% in a shoot"

On the other hand, Jessica Thivenin confirms that it will be hard for her to do a full season: " It is unimaginable for me to think of not seeing my son for a month. Never in life would I be able to do that and d "Elsewhere I don't want to. I don't know how we could combine the two. (...) I couldn't be 100% in a shoot. I don't know how to explain it. But for the "time, nothing is fixed, nothing is signed, we'll see. We will have to find a balance. After that, I don't want to say stop on TV because I'm good when I go filming with my fraters 
