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Some coronavirus patients show signs of brain ailments

Some coronavirus patients show signs of brain ailments

Ambulance workers clean a gurney at Mount Sinai Hospital in US, on April 1, 2020.

NEW YORK (NYTIMES) - Neurologists around the world say that a small subset of patients with Covid-19 are developing serious impairments of the brain.

Although fever, cough and difficulty breathing are the typical hallmarks of infection with the new coronavirus, some patients exhibit altered mental status, or encephalopathy, a catchall term for brain disease or dysfunction that can have many underlying causes, as well as other serious conditions.

These neurological syndromes join other unusual symptoms, such as diminished sense of smell and taste as well as heart ailments.

In early March, a 74-year-old man came to the emergency room in Boca Raton, Florida, with a cough and a fever, but an X-ray ruled out pneumonia and he was sent home. The next day, when his fever spiked, family members brought him back. He was short of breath, and could not tell doctors his name or explain what was wrong - he had lost the ability to speak.

The patient, who had chronic lung disease and Parkinson's, was flailing his arms and legs in jerky movements, and appeared to be having a seizure. Doctors suspected he had Covid-19, and were eventually proven right when he was finally tested.

On Tuesday (March 31), doctors in Detroit reported another disturbing case involving a female airline worker in her late 50s with Covid-19. She was confused, and complained of a headache; she could tell the physicians her name but little else, and became less responsive over time. Brain scans showed abnormal swelling and inflammation in several regions, with smaller areas where some cells had died.

Physicians diagnosed a dangerous condition called acute necrotising encephalopathy, a rare complication of influenza and other viral infections.
