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Maddy Burciaga (Stars naked) "invents modesty": clashed on Twitter, fans defend her

Maddy Burciaga (Stars naked) "invents modesty": clashed on Twitter, fans defend her

 famous women took off the top in Stars naked this Friday, February 7, 2020 on TF1. The goal ? Raise awareness about breast cancer screening. Maddy Burciaga was part of the cast of the show. On Twitter, many Internet users have criticized the former participant in the Angels 10 on NRJ12 who they believe to be false modesty. Several twittos then defended the reality TV candidate.

Maddy Burciaga complexed, some twittos do not believe it

This Friday, February 7, 2020, eight famous women undressed in Stars naked on TF1 to raise awareness about breast cancer screening. Maddy Burciaga, Héloïse Martin, Marine Lorphelin, Alessandra Sublet, Mareva Galanter, Nadège Beausson-Diagne, Fanny Leeb and Firmine Richard took the top off the show. Even if it's for a good cause, several twittos severely clashed with the one who was part of the casting of the Angels 10 on NRJ12.
Maddy Burciaga, now single since she confirmed her break with the YouTubeur GMK , was not unanimously approved On Twitter , many Internet users reproached him for being, according to them, falsely modest: "Maddy who invents modesty" , "She is too kind she is shy" , "Maddy in Les Marseillais VS The rest of the world she was H24 in a thong in the house " , " She has to stop she is always in underwear and swimsuit on Insta " .

Several internet users support it

But the one you also saw in season 2 of Marseillais VS The rest of the world on W9 or in La Villa des Coeurs Brisés 2 on NT1 has also received many support tweets. Many twittos have stood up for Maddy Burciaga when they see the wave of criticism against him.
Thus, several Internet users explained that all these hateful messages would be due to jealousy, recalled that all women are complexed even Maddy and that it is a good cause for which the candidate of reality TV was naked: "When I see the coms it criticizes the physique and her thong ... It's not good. It's jealousy girls " , " Maddy is a very beautiful and very courageous woman. It's not because she is beautiful that she has no complex " , " She has a young community that does not think of cancer (normal) if it can sensitize them so much the better. And please stop the free insults " .
