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Kim Glow becomes "Evangelical Christian" and deletes her sexy photos

Kim Glow becomes "Evangelical Christian" and deletes her sexy photos

 you are told Kim Glow, do you immediately think of terms like "sexy", "vulgar", or "hysterical"? Forget all that, the reality TV candidate has made a radical change in her life since she became an evangelical Christian! A life change that goes first of all through a major cleaning of his Instagram account ...
Since her beginnings in reality TV, Kim Glow has not had a very positive image. Between her behavior, which is sometimes too impulsive, even hysterical, or even her numerous photos of her naked or in little attire , the former Marseillais candidate is constantly the subject of criticism. However, today, the ex of Anthony Matéo seems to want to change and has made a big cleaning on Instagram , deleting all photos of her too vulgar.

No more sexy photos!

In question, a radical change in his lifestyle. She became "evangelical Christian" , as the bio of her Instagram account indicates. The one who continues her fight against animal abuse explained this change on Snapchat: "He made me believe for years that I was only good at showing my buttocks, that without that I would lose everything ( ...) The Lord heard my sincere call and he made me understand how wonderful I am with a huge heart and that he will use me, my notoriety. " Be careful, she wants to be clear: she will not walk around in a ski suit!

"I was touched by the Holy Spirit"

Enough to make fun of or even the incomprehension of Internet users, who tackle it. Regardless, the interpreter of "KIFF" anticipates the critics: "I know I will be attacked a lot but I have behind a solid church (...) No matter the past, the main thing is to repent with a sincere heart when the day comes. I will explain to you how I was touched by the Holy Spirit and when the time is right. The Lord will be able to speak through me . No question, however, to abandon product placements! "So yes I am on the way, yes nobody is perfect, yes I promote a sports machine where I show my buttocks. Well now it's for work, before that This is a new Kim Glow that we have to do!
