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Jessica Thivenin pregnant and forced to stay in bed: she recalls her ordeal in tears

Jessica Thivenin pregnant and forced to stay in bed: she recalls her ordeal in tears

in tears that Jessica Thivenin snapped this Sunday, July 7. 24 weeks pregnant and bedridden, the Marseillais candidate cracked and explained that she is going through a difficult period. Thibault Kuro's wife wanted to show subscribers that she is like everyone else and has, like everyone else, low morale ...
If pregnancy can be a dream for some, it can quickly become a nightmare for others, and it is not Jessica Thivenin who will say the opposite. 24 weeks pregnant, the Marseillais candidate is experiencing a complicated pregnancy and must have been in bed for 2 weeks now . Last week, she even had to go to an emergency hospital after numerous contractions. If she tries to put things into perspective, it is not always easy for the expectant mother.

She cracks

Out of nerves, she cracked this Sunday, July 7, 2019 on Snapchat: "I have not snapped since this morning, today I have a little more trouble. It's very long, it's long. .. Even if it passes, I haven't done half yet " . In tears, she confides: "I am told all the time that I am strong, that I keep smiling even in difficult times. It's just that I don't always share the moments where things are not going well There weren't many. Frankly, it happened maybe 2-3 times. But it's not easy every day, it's good, I stop crying. I had my mom on the phone, I had Ghislaine, my stepmother, well I'm going to stop crying because after the baby feels it so I stop.

"We will get there"

Via her confessions, she hopes to touch and reassure those who are in the same situation as her: "We are going to get there, we are all going to get there. No matter what fight we are fighting at the moment, we are going to I can take you with me who are not doing well. It comforts me to tell myself that I am not alone. " Fortunately, the Marseillais candidate can count on the support of her husband Thibault Kuro , but also on that of her friends including Stéphanie Durant and her family.
