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Jessica Thivenin: after Maylone, soon a second child? She answers

Jessica Thivenin: after Maylone, soon a second child? She answers

than 3 months after Maylone's birth on October 7, 2019, is Jessica Thivenin ready to have a second child with Thibault Garcia? While Manon Marsault, Julien Tanti and Tiago came to visit them in Dubai, the Marseillais candidate confided in the subject. And his answer will not surprise you ...
Jessica Thivenin and Thibault Garcia lived a very eventful 2019 year After 9 months of complicated pregnancy during which the Marseillais candidate had to stay in bed, she gave birth to Maylone, on October 7. But everything did not go as planned and he had to be operated on urgently due to atresia of the esophagus . If all went well for the little boy during the operation, the nightmare continued in early December, when Maylone almost died choking on his milk . Fortunately, Jessica managed to revive him with a heart massage.

Jessica Thivenin ready to have a second child after Maylone?

So, of course, it is not a big surprise when the young mother confides in the story that she does not feel ready to have a second child right away. In full discussion with Manon Marsault, come to visit them with Julien Tanti and Tiago, she admits: "When you have friends you always say to them: 'So when is the second one?', But I honestly, no "Me, in two or three years. There, I can't, it's not possible . A choice that we can only understand! Until then, Jessica Thivenin and Thibault Garcia will be watching their little Maylone well and taking good care of him.
