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COVID-19 has been compared to the flu. Experts say that's wrong.

COVID-19 has been compared to the flu. Experts say that's wrong.

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Even with businesses closed, travel restricted and shelter-in-place orders issued around the world, many still wonder if such extremes are needed to battle the novel coronavirus.

Some people, including the president of the United States, have said COVID-19 isn't too different from the common flu.

Tune into ABC at 1 p.m. ET and ABC News Live at 4 p.m. ET every weekday for special coverage of the novel coronavirus with the full ABC News team, including the latest news, context and analysis.

An estimated 35 million Americans were infected last flu season, and about 500,000 were hospitalized. Approximately 35,000 died.

Even with more than 10% of the U.S. population affected by the flu most years, those are stunning numbers. But businesses aren't closed and people aren't asked to stay home.
